Official Opening of the Near East College Yeniboğaziçi Campus was held with the participation of President Ersin Tatar
“Fine Arts Republic Exhibition” held in Halil Günsel Culture and Congress Center Exhibition Hall was opened on Near East Yeniboğaziçi Campus
Halil Günsel Culture and Congress Center was opened to the public at the Near East College Yeniboğaziçi Campus
Near East Yeniboğaziçi Campus ready for teaching on September 14…
Near East College Authorities visited Paşaköy Mayor Habil Tülücü and informed him of Educational Activities…
The Officials of Near East College paid a visit to the Mayors of Akdoğan and Beyarmudu and delivered information about the educational activities
The Officials of Near East College, which will start to offer education in Yeniboğaziçi on the 1st of September 2020, paid a visit to the Mayors of Iskele, Mehmetçik and Dipkarpaz
“Near East College will bring Employment and Prestige to the Region”…Near East Preschool, Primary School and College Officials visited Yeni Erenköy (New Erenkoy) and Büyükkonuk Mayors
The Officials of Near East Preschool, Near East Primary School and Near East College, which will start to offer education in Yeniboğaziçi-Famagusta on the 1st of September 2020, paid a visit to the Mayors of Famagusta and Yeniboğaziçi…